13.9500° S, 33.7000° E: Malawi, Africa

GUYS. I LEAVE IN 2 DAYS. I am so pumped!!

I have spent the last few days buying everything I need and staring at pictures of the places I'll be going :) Seriously, the next 48ish hours cannot go fast enough!! The biggest hurdle now: The plane flight (bleh!!). The total time it will take me to get to Malawi is 1 day, 35 minutes. If anybody has any tips on fighting boredom and jet lag--I'd gladly take them!!!

This last week I learned that immunizations and finals don't mix well! Last Monday I got the yellow fever shot, and then tried to take 3 finals back to back afterwards. After giving me my shot, they told me I might experience a drop in blood sugar in about an hour or so. I went on my way and went to take my first final. A little ways in, I started feeling a bit funny but pushed on. I stood up to turn in my final and everything went black! Luckily, I didn't fully pass out, but quickly rushed over to get food and then justified myself into eating a few too many cookies :) Needless to say, I did not take all 3 finals that day. Also, note to any future travelers: taking the oral typhoid medicine might suck all the energy out of you!! For this, you take a pill every other day and on the days I took the pill I felt 100 pounds heavier. It was SO hard to get off the couch, or even just lift my arm. Just a heads up for any of you fellow adventurers ;)

This past little bit I have had the opportunity to spend my time with my family before leaving. I can't leave without saying how grateful I am for their support and love at this time as I prepare to go. They have been so helpful in reminding of things I'll need, dealing with my emotional roller coasters each day, and being okay with me going/adventuring (most specifically, my parents).  I could not have done all that I have so far without them :) Thank you Mom for the phone call telling me to "Get out of the country!!". Apparently, parents are smart about life ;)

I really can't wait to leave...and if these cute pictures of baby animals don't make you feel the same, well, I might call you crazy (Yeah...I know I might be a little obsessed!).
Next time you hear from me, I'll be in Malawi!!

Fun Fact of the Week: Malawi got its name from its incredible sunsets! The name Malawi is Chichewa for flames of fire- because of the incredible sunrises and sunsets that can be seen over Lake Malawi.


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