Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Well...Not Reaaaallly)

Well guys, I know this sounds 100% cliche...but honestly words can't express how my last week went! I can saw it was incredible, awesome, amazing, and majestic....but it still doesn't capture it all.

This last week we traveled to the Maasai Mara for our first safari! Like I said, words can't capture everything. The pictures can't even capture it all! Being out in the plains, in the Savannah, by the river, wherever we were...the feeling can't be captured. All I know is that, yes, I did cry a couple of times, okay?!

We had a three day adventure and man it was quite the adventure! The first day was probably the most exciting. We got to see all of the major safari animals (lion, zebra, elephant, giraffes) and then some. The coolest thing was that our van saw a black rhino. In reality, it more of looked like a black blob that was a rhino shape, but through binoculars it was definitely a rhino. Black rhinos are super rare to see, only 12 in the entire park! They like to be isolated, and are not social at all...but we got it see it! That was cool.

The first day we also got really, really close to a pride of lions. It was INCREDIBLE. I won't say how close I personally got to them, but I'll just say that there was no zoom involved in the pictures! Terrifying and exciting and very exhilarating!!

I loved experiencing the beautiful planet that our Heavenly Father created for us. It is such a testimony to me of the love that He has for us because He took the time to create such an inexplicably beautiful and diverse world. I really was in awe of it all. I am so grateful for and so very, very blessed to be on this earth at a time when I know of my Savior and where I have the opportunity to see the beautiful creations that Heavenly Father has made!


Fun Fact: The Masai Mara lies in the Great Rift Valley, which is a fault line some 5,600 kilometers (3,500 miles) long, from Ethiopia’s Red Sea through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and into Mozambique.


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